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This blog began as a reaction, and even before it has launched, it has become an embrace.
We had noted a lack of female voice in music writing, but further investigation has unearthed a wealth of female rock journalism, both from the past and in the present. So apparently, the lack is in the notice we take, and in the validity we bestow upon such writings. Let this be a place where we can celebrate those writings instead of ignoring  them.
Our ultimate goal for this blog is to make it a real thing – to incorporate the way we experience music in our daily lives. We want to make you mixes, host parties, book shows, dance with you, and link with organizations like Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls and Make Music New York, all in addition to a smattering of video posts, show reviews, interviews, album raves, and musical rants.
We love music in a way that most people are ashamed or afraid to love anything – unabashedly, though not always unconditionally. We may not always understand why or how specific songs can inspire such emotional response, but we feel these emotions in ever fiber of our beings.  Everything you read or see here will stand as testimony to that. Thank you so, so much for joining us.
  • PREMIERE: Rose of The West Maps Their Mythology With “Roads”

  • Little Daylight Santos

    LIVE REVIEW: Flagship, Terraplane Sun & Little Daylight

  • Jessye DeSilva Heals From Traumatic Religious Upbringing On ‘Hover’ EP