TRACK REVIEW: Ava Luna “Billz”


ava luna

Ava Luna, that soulful quirky five-piece from Brooklyn, are releasing a new album on April 14th via Western Vinyl. Wow, that’s a long ways away, isn’t it? Well, you can stream one of their new songs right now, on Bandcamp. 

“Billz” is the ninth track on Infinite House, Ava Luna’s latest release since 2014’s Electric Balloon. Typical of the band, it mixes the old-school sound of Carlos Hernandez’s passionate crooning and eclectic, jazzy pop with modern life. Putting words to what we’re all thinking as we go about our lives, he sings “Will it elevate me? Will it educate me?/ But is it gonna pay my bills?”

When the time is right, you can download Infinite House here. In the meantime, check out “Billz” below:

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Track List for Infinite House:

1. Company

2. Tenderize

3. Steve Polyester

4. Roses and Cherries

5. Coat of Shellac

6. Infinite House

7. Black Dog

8. Best Hexagon

9. Billz

10. Victoria

11. Carbon


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