#NEWMUSICMONDAY: The By Gods “On The Radio”


It’s Monday, and I don’t feel good. I’m cranky. My birthday was the weekend and I feel a year older and none the wiser. Riffing on my angsty vibes, yet pulling me out of my I-don’t-wanna-work lethargy, is Nashville’s The By Gods with their first single “On the Radio.” A trio made up of George Pauley (vocals, guitar), Natalie Pauley (bass), and Tye Hammonds (drums), the “no frills” rockers give it to you straight with a 90’s-alt attitude and just the right amount of ass kicking so you might actually accomplish something today.

Listen to “On the Radio” below and shake off your moody blues. Their upcoming album Get On Feelings will be out January 22nd.
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