Track Review: The Hawks (of Holy Rosary) “Snakes and Hawks”




“Snakes and Hawks” is not your typical track about a predator seeking out its prey; sure, the song sticks its talons into our brains with its catchy opening synth riff, but it doesn’t sweep us off to an untimely end.

Instead, the six piece San Antonio band sing along to a tune that is all too convincing about being seemingly innocuous. Musically, the song is plain ol’ fun. The Hawks have a straight-out-of-the -garage appeal to them that is apparent in their ability to maintain a high energy track for a little over four minutes (pretty unusual for a punk band). Every member also does vocals, giving it an anthemic aesthetic that makes one feel like they are in the middle of the pit at one of their shows. Its variety of musical breaks is what makes it last through the repetition and progression of the lyrics, from its sing along vocal melodies to the bridge where it breaks down with a sludgy guitar riff and male and female vocals singing back to one another.

What makes this song stray into the pop punk category is its MIDI like synth that pervades the whole track and its seemingly sweet lyrics. Thematically, it’s all about predation, but not in the “Hungry Like A Wolf” kind of way. Rather, it’s about being wily, tricking a person into believing you’re harmless. Its got the nice guy appeal initially but takes a turn when the line “you’ve got snakes, I’ve got hawks” turns into “she’s the snake and I’m the hawk.” By the time the bridge arrives, he’s sneaking into the girl’s bed and the song comes to a catchy close with its last melodic sing along.

Whether or not it dupes us into believing its intention is more sweet than it actually is, it forces you to see through to the end of the prowl. The song is the first track off of the band’s sophomore album What Team Am I On? via Texas is Funny Records July 22nd


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