Anna B Savage Premieres “Corncrakes” Ahead of Candid Debut LP

Photo Credit: Ebru Yildiz

A little while back, Dublin-based singer-songwriter Anna B Savage kept coming across the corncrake — a bird that is easy to hear but often difficult to spot — in books she was reading. This species was a convenient symbol for a relationship she had at the time, which lacked the feelings of passion and romance she’d had with previous partners.

“It just appeared twice in a short space of time, not having known what it was, it being this thing you can hear but can’t certainly see, and it’s noticeable but not overwhelming or overbearing,” she explains. “When I was much younger, when I’d feel something for someone, I’d be ravenous to hang out around them all the time and wouldn’t be able to control myself in their presence. But with him, it felt calm, and because of that calmness, I was like, ‘Am I actually feeling proper sexy feelings, or do I just kind of love him?’ So that’s what that’s about, and the evolution of the way you feel things toward people when you get a little bit older.” 

“I don’t know if this is even real/I don’t feel things as keenly as I used to,” she sings in a theatrical, operatic voice against acoustic guitar, deep, warm humming, and harmonies created using vocal doubling.

She and Producer William Doyle (East India Youth) provided all the vocals on the song themselves. “Will set up a microphone in the middle of the room, and we sang whatever harmonies popped into our heads and did that for the entire track,” she remembers.

The video for the single appropriately features birds, and you can hear the squawking of a corncrake in the beginning.

The symbolism of birds features prominently on her debut album, A Common Turn, which comes out January 29 via City Slang. The dark titular track, for instance, employs the highly migratory common tern as a symbol as Savage recounts conversations with a partner that led her to realize she needed to leave.

The video for “A Common Tern” references the work of performance artist Vito Acconci, who is known for doing disconcerting things like throwing soapy water in his eyes and trying to catch tennis balls while blindfolded. She reenacted the latter act, wearing white as black-painted tennis balls splattered her with paint, representing the disintegration of her personality in the relationship.

Savage’s sophisticated, high-brow music creates an interesting contrast with some of her lyrical content, particularly in her first single off the upcoming album, “Chelsea Hotel #3.” Inspired by Leonard Cohen’s “Chelsea Hotel #2,” she starts off recounting being unable to focus while receiving oral sex and segues into her larger sexual journey, candidly singing about not orgasming until she was 18 because she’d learned it was all about PIV and didn’t masturbate. At the end, she arrives at a New Year’s resolution: “I will learn to take care of myself.”

“I’d always kind of relied on other people, and I never really thought I was allowed to masturbate — it hadn’t even crossed my mind that I could be autonomous about my own sexual desires or capacity, and I think it’s important to hear women talk about sexual stuff,” she says.

The rest of the album deals in various ways with self-esteem, sense of belonging, and “a sense of trying to understand yourself and having to wade through all the shit you get taught and find out who you actually are,” she says.

Savage’s music is difficult to classify genre-wise; it incorporates elements of rock, jazz, and even classical music. Lyrically, her intellect and thoughtfulness are evident throughout her work; her songs read like analyses of past experiences or conversational musings on common topics of discussion. In “I,” off her first EP, for instance, she sings, “I would say that I’m a feminist/But there’s something key that I have missed/Cause I want to be strong and I’d like to be fine/And I hate that it’s fueled/Even in part by my own mind.”

Both of Savage’s parents are opera singers, so she spent much of her childhood backstage. “Singing always felt like the most natural thing to me,” she says. She learned guitar at age 13 and has been making her own music since, accompanying herself on guitar and piano. Recently, she moved from London to Dublin to get a master’s degree in music.

Her other current project is making a movie with her ex-boyfriend and first love Jem Talbot, also the director of her “A Common Tern” video, about their relationship. After not speaking for seven or eight years, she had a dream about him and checked up on him, then they met up and started talking about the project. The film became a chance for them to examine their relationship, including intimate aspects like losing their virginities together; they even interviewed a mutual friend to get an objective version of the story after realizing each of them had different memories of the relationship.

Savage grew inspired to make candid art about sexuality after reading the book I Love Dick by Chris Kraus, which documents the author’s obsession with a man she meets at a party; she sends him hundreds of letters until he takes her to court, and she reassures him that the letters don’t really have anything to do with him.

The book introduced Savage to “the concept of being allowed to write about whatever the fuck I wanted, and it didn’t matter who I was writing about,” she explains. “Women have always been muses, and men are used to them always being muses, and it doesn’t have to do with any of them. I feel like it gave me a permission slip to write about whatever the fuck I wanted to.”

Follow Anna B Savage on Facebook and Instagram for ongoing updates.


girl band

A friend recently mentioned something that’s never occurred to me before.  He said that making music requires an enormous amount of restraint.  That, whether it be at the songwriting or recording stages, holding back is of utmost importance.

Restraint.  Patience.  Modesty.

These may not be the first words that spring to mind while listening to the screeching sprawl that is Girl Band’s music.  However, if you zoom in on their 2015 LP Holding Hands With Jamie, which was meticulously written and self-produced, you can hear the discipline.  It is a methodical record; each stab of guitar and gurgle of bass strategically placed to maximize discomfort.

That same level of focus was evident at Baby’s All Right last week, where our own Emily Daly covered the group’s rapturous gig.  The Irish foursome, comprised of guitarist Alan Duggan, vocalist Dara Kiley, drummer Adam Faulkner, and bassist/engineer Daniel Fox, were on point throughout, delivering a streamlined spike of rage in sound only.

At times, his feet obscured by heads in the crowd, Duggan looked as though he was kicking someone’s head to the curb.  Snapping at the waist and convulsing slightly against his own instrument.  Turns out, that’s just how he plays guitar.

But for all of their sonic violence, the guys in Girl Band are an amicable bunch.  I sat down with Duggan and Fox before the show to chat about concept albums, Glenn Branca, and a winking dog.

Audiofemme: It seems like people have finally come to grips with your sound. Have the horrible comparisons to grunge you’ve faced in the past stopped yet?

Alan Duggan: Yeah it’s finally stopped.

Daniel Fox: Yeah, like Pearl Jam references and stuff…

Oh! I didn’t see a Pearl Jam reference! It was a Nirvana reference I think…

DF: Yeah, it was a Nirvana reference.

Which is worse? I think Pearl Jam.

DF: Of course, Pearl Jam! I really like Nirvana. I hate Pearl Jam.

What are you guys currently working on?

AD: We’re just writing new music. Pretty much.

DF: Got some songs, yeah. We’re not going to play any of it today, (laughs) but uh, yeah we’ve got loads.

I know you guys have said in the past that techno/electronic music has been more of an influence than people might assume. What electronic musicians have been listening to lately?

AD: At the moment I actually haven’t listened to much techno in a while. I’ve been listening to a lot of Tim Hecker for ambient electronic stuff. That new Factory Floor song sounds pretty cool. It’s called “Yah.” They’re really cool. They’re on DFA Records. They’re from London. I think. But yeah just really good techno, kind of early techno sound. I don’t think they still have a live drummer, but they had a live drummer and weird guitar sounds-all very stylized as far as the visual aspect…I don’t know. They’re just really, really good.

That’s an area of electronic music that the mainstream doesn’t always grasp: that there are sects of it that are outside of just trying to make people dance…something more orchestrated than just “four on the floor.”

DF: I’ve been listening to early electronic music people. The BBC had a lab where they were basically figuring out how to do it, called “The Radiophonic Workshop.”  It was in the ‘50s. There was this woman Delia Derbyshire who wrote the theme for “Doctor Who.” So it’s all these weird like (makes space noises). A lot of those kind of people really set the tone for what ended up being electronic music. But there’s a lot that can be done with it as opposed to just dance music. It’s a whole sonic palette that people just associate with dancing, really. Which I always thought was weird.

Since you signed to Rough Trade and you started touring internationally, have things changed with your place in Dublin? Are you still accepted in the local music scene?

AD: Yeah, it’s always like a real warm welcome when we go back and play Dublin, you know what I mean? Ireland’s pretty supportive.

I know you guys produced this record, which sounds fantastic. Is there a dream producer you’d love to work with? Or do you think you’ll continue to do it yourselves?

DF: I like producing. I mean, it’d be cool to get peoples’ perspectives, but-

And you worked as an engineer, correct?

DF: Yeah. That’s what I do in my spare time. So yeah…sometimes working with a producer could be-especially for the first record, could probably be a hindrance really, to have to re-explain something…

It [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][the record] would be covered in horn sections…

DF: Yeah, like a string orchestra.

I find that it rare that bands truly collaborate as a group, but it seems like every little detail has gone through everyone’s hands at this point. How do you guys write songs together?

DF: Sit in a room and hammer it out for ages.

For you guys personally, what were some of your earliest urges to make music? What brought you to it?

AD: For myself, all of my brothers were in a band. All of my family has always been really into music, so when I was a kid I used to sit down and watch them play, when I was about four or five, and just be like, “oh, that’s really cool.” They were real bad. They were terrible. They used to rehearse in my sitting room and face like they were playing a gig, so they wouldn’t even face each other, it was like real funny if I think back to it.

DF: They did it in the front room?

AD: Yeah, in the sitting room. But they’d set the PA up and face it out that way.

Oh, they had a PA?

AD: Yeah, it’s actually the PA that we use.

DF: It’s survived a long time.

AD: Yeah, cuz that would have been like, early nineties. It’s crap as well.

DF: It’s really not a very good PA.

(to Daniel) And what about yourself?

DF: My dad was a musician, like played bass as well, and I was around music a lot as a kid.

What aspect of what you guys do brings you the most joy?

AD: For me, I don’t really think it’s one – because you know usually you could be touring and it’s really, really fun, and you really enjoy it but-

I was wondering if someone would say touring because I don’t know if I’ve ever heard anyone say that.

AD: Oh, I love it.

DF: Yeah it’s a lot of fun.

But it sounds like it’d be a lot of fun, or like, really awful. Correct me if I’m wrong…

DF: Depending on the people.

AD: Yeah, if you’re with people that don’t get along I’d imagine it’s hell, but we don’t fight, we’ve never raised a voice to one another, so we work, we just kind of function really well.

DF: They all have their different perks. It’s like a meal, you know they all have their different things that are good about them. You know, like, touring you get drunk for free a lot, but then when you’re writing it’s like, writing songs is something fun, and then in the studio it’s just, it’s fun as well, so…

We’re supposed to negate the Irish stereotype. Come on!

(all laugh)

DF: Yeah, “get loadsa cans!”

That’s gonna be the header: “Get Drunk For Free.”

(all laugh)

What kind of milestones, or, maybe it’s just kind of an in-the-moment thing for you guys, but do you have artistic milestones that you want to achieve, that you strive for?

AD: I mean, I just wanted to put out a record that I was really proud of.

Well you did that. You’re done!

DF: Double album

(all laugh)

DF: I want the fifth record to be a double-


DF: Yeah a double concept record. I just want to rip off Rick Wakeman and do one about Excalibur.

Oh yeah, and then like, it will be a pop-up in the center?

DF: Oh yeah.

AD: That would be pretty cool actually…

Just an idea. Just throwing it out there.  Your prog rock record, ha. I know I just condemned comparisons only a moment ago, but when I was listening to your guys’ stuff I was thinking: are you guys fans of Steve Reich or Glenn Branca?

AD: Yeah, big time.

Ok, I was thinking you must be.

AD: Yeah, hearing Steve Reich for the first time was a real kind of eye-opener, so that kind of just-

DF: “I can do one thing for ages…”

Glenn Branca?

AD: Yeah, that whole No-Wave scene in New York.

Yeah, he’s incredible. I saw his orchestra live a few months ago and he’s a real…I mean he’s kind of like a Tom Waits, he’s just a weird guy-

AD: Did you meet him?

Oh, god no! No I was just there, I didn’t cover it, but…what a weird dude!

Both: Yeah.

DF: (doing gravelly Glenn Branca impression) “I don’t participate!” (grumbling and cursing).

When they were tuning he just went on this rant about the best hot dog he’d ever eaten…

All: (uproarious laughter)

Anyway, just checkin’. I’m glad you guys are fans, me too. So, can you talk about the role of humor in your music? It seems like it’s something that’s very important to you guys.

AD: Yeah, just always like, I mean…Dara with the puns, I mean the guy can’t stop making puns all the-

DF: All day.

AD: All the fuckin’ day.

I read in an article that that’s a disorder.

DF: (big laughs)

AD: Interesting! But yeah humor’s very important. I always think humor is a very strong way of conveying a maybe very meaningful thing.

DF: Especially since some of this stuff is quite dark. Like the music’s so bloody angry sounding anyway, so it kind of like, negates that a little bit so it’s not just like, “I hate you mom!” you know?

I think I was reading something about when you did the KEXP performance you were like, “this is our poppy song!” which I thought was hilarious.

AD: Yeah, heh.

I listen to it, and I’m someone who listens to music that some people might deem “difficult,” and I hear a lot of melodic things in it…but I understand some people might not feel that way (laughs).

AD: Especially if you’re rehearsing, and then you’re touring it, and then you’re recording it, which is what we were doing, when it came time to put it out, you really lose context of how-

DF: Aggressive it might be.

AD: Yeah, we were like, “oh, this is a radio smash!”

Top Of The Pops! Another thing I picked up from an interview with DIY Magazine, was something about how on “Umbongo” you threw around some car parts and someone threw a spoon…

DF: (to Alan) you threw the spoon.

I tried to hear it today and…

DF: (laughs) It’s in there!

I don’t want to disappoint you by saying I couldn’t hear it, but I was trying…

DF: It’s buried in the mix.

AD: It was actually just like, a slam-dunk from across the room.

DF: Yeah we played parts of like, big huge springs…

Have you guys ever thought of going even further to create specific sounds? Maybe even building your own instruments?

AD: Yeah, definitely. We really want to try getting in touch with this guy called Yuri Landman. He’s built guitars for Lee Renaldo and…

DF: He’s a Dutch guy.

AD: Yeah, we played a show with him in Amsterdam, about two years ago now I suppose…but he built all these insane instruments, and he’s obsessed with noise. It is something that I think all of us would be really keen on doing. Like, Adam’s drum kit is very creative. He’s got loads of different cymbals like, stacked up on one another…that kind of stuff.

DF: Yeah, pipe cleaners…

Pipe cleaners?

AD: Yeah.

Like the fuzzy ones?

DF: No, no. Like, long springs (laughs).

Ohhh. Lastly, what do you both plan on doing, for leisure or work, when you return home?

DF: (to Alan) What are you going to do? Walk your dog?

AD: Yeah, probably walk the dog. I got a little puppy.

(gasps) what kind?!

AD: Uh, it’s a Collie cross. He’s quality. He can wink as well.

Really? On command?

AD: No, but soon though! Check it out…

It’s just a twitch…

AD: No, well, it is a twitch, but

DF: His dog is adorable.

 AD: It is a twitch but it will soon not be a twitch.

What’s the dog’s name?

AD: Boomers. Check that out: (shows winking dog pic) What a wink!

Oh muh lord. He is just always winking though…

AD: No he just-

That’s a moment you caught?

AD: Yeah.

He looks kinda badass when he does that.

AD: Yeah. This is him when he was just a little pup: (shows fluffy, adorable puppy pic)

(requisite squealing)

AD: He’s really cool. But he’s gettin’ a snip soon.

(to Daniel) And what about yourself?

DF: Me? Ehh, I have to mix a record for a guy when I go home.

Nice. That’s fun.

DF: Yeah, it’ll be very fun, because I thought I’d have it finished ages ago, and uh I don’t! (laughs) So I’m going to finish it when I get home.


Thanks gents, and safe travels back home.
