VIDEO REVIEW: Satellite Stories “Heartbeat”

satellite stories
Similarly like a younger Chris Martin singing “Yellow” and endlessly walking the dead shore-line, Esa Mankinen of Satellite Stories is instead revealing to the world their new single “Heartbeat” along a snowy winding road. Part of the quartet that is also Marko Heikkinen, Jyri Pesonen, and Olli-Pekka Ervasti, Satellite Stories is set to release their third studio album “Vagabonds” in March. The Finns are actually in the middle of their European tour, with a show in Barfly, London sold out.
Aside from Esa wistfully zig-zagging the beautiful countryside, the video features a couple portraying the inevitable stages of a dying relationship. While there’s a spec of joy, the video is mostly filled with angst and depression. At first we catch glimpses of cute waterfront dock dates, then an angry drive (why are the girls always cry-driving?) lead to a pushy break-up scene–appropriate to the melancholy lyrics “We drive and depart, just a smash into the car.”
While this may not have been the Valentine’s Day song you were looking to play in your car on the way to your cheesecake spot, you will find Satellite Stories to have a solid track history. Plus, “Heartbeat” is so damn catchy, and I think we’ve had our fill of cheesy love ballads. Definitely worth checking out their video below.

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