VIDEO RELEASE: Alligator Indian, “Revar Yu Drœm”


Alligator IndianHalloween has mostly come to represent cheesy thrills and mild scares, but this is actually pretty freaky. The new Alligator Indian video for “Revar Yu Drœm,” off of their September EP “More Songs About Animals and TV,” is the stuff of really trippy nightmares—it even has a homemade look to give it that Blair Witch-esque feel. The bizarre video includes quick and abrupt cuts from one shot to another (clips of dogs, cats, birds, and creepy crawly insects are juxtaposed with images of old and broken TVs) but mostly comprises alternating shots of two separate dancers in ski mask-like face coverings performing an eery choreography in the middle of a dark field. The sinister ending really puts the cherry on top of the whole, weird thing, but I won’t spoil it for you. Watch the video for “Revar Yu Drœm” below.

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