TRACK OF THE WEEK: Controller “Midnight Man”



It’s Labor Day. The end of summer, time for last call and make outs with the friend you’ve been eyeing all these hot months. Our Track of the Week “Midnight Man” is the new single from NYC-based Controller. With layers of synths and resulting smile upon smile, this song is all about having a good time and enjoying the moment. It’s the third single from Controller’s sophomore release, the No Future EP.

Jon Bellinger (Controller‘s frontman) says the song is: “A shameless club banger, but sung from the perspective of someone you would never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever even consider going home with. Like, he thinks he’s really smooth but he’s the only one not in on how ridiculous he is, and it’s getting closer and closer to last call.” With that, take a listen and go forth.

Listen to “Midnight Man” below.

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