NEWS ROUNDUP: The End Of The iPod, Required Listening & More



  • Read This: The 150 Greatest Albums Made By Women 

    The list was compiled by various writers on NPR. The outlet calls it “an intervention, a remedy, a correction of the historical record and hopefully the start of a new conversation… it rethinks popular music to put women at the center.” Starting with The Roches’ self titled debut and ending with Joni Mitchell’s Blue, the list provides a nearly endless amount of music. Get started here.

  • Apple Is Getting Rid Of The iPod

    Do you remember your first MP3 player, that magical square that gave you instant access to hundreds of your favorite songs and meant that you no longer had to lug around a skipping CD player? They may not be around much longer. Apple has reported that the company will no longer sell the iPod Nano or iPod Shuffle, which were its last devices that could be used solely for playing music. Demand for apps, the rise of streaming rather than owning music, and those weird new headphones are the likely reasons. 

  • Brooklyn’s Rock Shop Is Closing

    After they replaced their live music events with a foosball table, Park Slope’s Rock Shop didn’t really live up to its name anymore. The owners have now announced that the bar will be closing permanently at the end of July, due to the  high expenses of rent and property taxes in the area.

  • Other Highlights

    Listen to a NIN cover of David Bowie’s “I Can’t Give Everything Away,” a heartwarming story about a historical punk couple, Rick Ross’s blatantly sexist statements about female rappers, Charlie XCX’s latest video has A LOT of “Boys,” watch Kesha’s video for “Learn To Let Go,” listen to a new Alvvays track, and watching Billy Joel lose it in Moscow in 1987 is oddly stress-relieving.

  • NEWS ROUNDUP: RIP Tom Petty, The Las Vegas Tragedy & More

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