TRACK REVIEW: “Obstacle Eyes”



Deny it all you want, but there is a point in every New Yorker’s day during the bitter winter cold when we think, screw it, I’m moving to California. While I will never act on this moment of temporary insanity, it is nice to keep the dream alive. Regardless of the fact that I am doomed to live in New York forever, by blasting the heat in my apartment, closing my eyes, and  turning up “Obstacle Eyes” by Morgan Delt, I feel at least one step closer to a California beach somewhere in the far distance.

“Obstacle Eyes” is the second track off of California native Morgan Delt’s self titled debut album.  There are a number of elusive elements to the floaty, psychedelic pop/rock “Obstacle Eyes,” making it hard to fully grasp on the first listen. “Obstacle Eyes” may only be 3:27 minutes, but there is a lot to take in. I’m probably up to my 50th listen at this point and I’m still picking up on new flourishes, variations and musical dimensions.  The varied instruments, sound effects and vocals blend with each other seamlessly to create a final product that is a diverse amalgamate of a number of musical elements.

“Obstacle Eyes” begins with a solo guitar playing an instantly catchy hook. It suspends for a moment before the music exhales, as various instruments and musical phrases develop. Once established, the song continues with an upbeat and forward moving, yet laid back rhythm.

Delt’s breathy vocals are introduced last, and wash over the instrumentals like a wave hitting the California (have I mentioned California enough yet?) coastline.  They are in the end just another element of an already complex track,  blending with the music to create a single product.

The track is both retro and modern. With esoteric lyrics (there’s something crazy growing// way back inside your eyes// there’s something crazy growing// obstacles in your eyes), distorted guitars and harmonized vocals, “Obstacle Eyes” is definitely a nod to ‘60s west coast psychedelic pop-rock, however the electronic elements that Delt incorporates give the whole thing an inspired twist.

Morgan Delt clearly wants to take you on a journey with his music. He did all the legwork. Now all you have to do is turn it up, close your eyes, and let the California sun warm your skin.

Morgan Delt’s self titled debut album will be released off of Trouble In Mind records on January 28th.

